10. Governance and Compliance

Regulatory Considerations Specific to Ad Networks in Crypto

Operating within the cryptocurrency and digital advertising sectors, NCA faces unique regulatory challenges. These include compliance with global cryptocurrency trading laws, digital advertising standards, and privacy regulations. NCA commits to rigorous adherence to all relevant legal frameworks, ensuring operations are transparent and compliant with international standards.

Adherence to International Advertising and Crypto Regulations

NCA adheres to regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for European users, and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States, ensuring user data is managed securely. Compliance with financial and digital advertising regulations is maintained through continuous monitoring and updates in response to regulatory changes globally.

Decision-making Processes within the NCA Platform

The governance structure of NCA is designed to be transparent and inclusive, enabling token holders to participate in decision-making through a decentralized voting system. Key decisions regarding platform updates, tokenomics changes, and major partnerships will be put to a vote, ensuring that stakeholders have a voice in the platform’s direction and policies. This model not only fosters community involvement but also aligns with the democratic ethos of blockchain technology.

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